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happydays_dinerlineRIGHT IN THE HEART OF PARIS!!!

A note from Barbara Smith:

A great retro project, “Happy Days Diner”.

I personally had the pleasure of working with John-Baptiste as he and his partners worked for months to rehab the space and get it ready for all the new furniture, bar and custom pieces we built for them.
Decorated in the perfect shades of pink and teal, this restaurant evokes the nostalgia and timeliness of the retro era! Be sure to stop by and try their fifties diner fare, it’s delicious! And the site has been recognized as the place to be when in Paris!

Jean-Baptiste tells me that Happy Days has been so popular that he’s now working on a second location to expand the enterprise!


Thank you, Jean-Baptiste for giving BARSandBOOTHS the opportunity to work with you on this project. From beginning to end, you were the perfect client! – Barbara


foto(2)Be sure to visit the Happy Days website at www.happydaysdiner.fr and check out their menu and learn more about this beautiful diner!