Cruiser Diner Booth Set
The Cruiser Diner Booth -Our Very Own Custom Design.
As priced and shown below, the Cruiser Diner Booth Set is comprised of two 44″L x 24″D x 36″H fully upholstered benches with a pleated contrasting middle channel and piping. This set includes a 24″ x 42″ inch table in Standard laminates with 1.25″ real metal banding on a Classic Chrome Column Base. Standard sizes for this set are 30″, 44″, 48″ and 60″, but can also be customized for your exact space requirements.
Minimum required spacing for one of our traditional booths is six feet from booth back to booth back
If you like this model, we also offer the Cruiser Diner Booth Set in a quarter circle, a half-circle, or an “L” Shape configuration with complementing table and base. Please send an email or call to speak with one of our booth specialists. Let us offer our expertise in assisting you create a set that is perfect for you!