Smithsfield, Virginia
This has to be one of the coolest retro garage on earth! What a pleasure it was for us to be part of this project. Below you can see photos of the custom furniture we built for the garage. This includes a custom 6′ x 8′ “L” shape bar done in red and white laminate with real metal trim and red glacier boomerang bartop. This bar is large enough to seat 6-7 adults with the lucky bartender having plenty of room behind the bar. The back of the bar is done in a premium red paint finish with doors and top shelf at standard height. The bar also features built in electrical outlets and under the bar top lighting. To ensure there is always plenty of storage, Lewis decided to add a 6′ matching credenza built into the bar. Also in this room you can see an incredible collection of vintage Coca Cola signs, gas pumps, diner booths, jukeboxes, soda machines, and most important of all Lewis’ GREAT collectible cars. Wow! We were all impressed Lewis. Thanks for sharing your photos with BarsandBooths….and the World!
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