304-728-0547 1-833-888-2748

Hall’s Custom Bar

Hall’s Custom Bar

Location: Charles Town, WV Hall’s Custom Bar features one of our popular Bomber Bars designed in black and red laminate with chrome accent stripes.  These are great bars and can be customized for your space requirements.  Give us a call for pricing...
Nancy’s Retro Kitchen

Nancy’s Retro Kitchen

Location: Dedham, MA Reference: #6335 Thanks for the photo of Nancy’s Retro Kitchen! It was great pleasure working with in designing and building your custom countertops. We look forward to hearing from you again soon!
Steve’s Retro Kitchen

Steve’s Retro Kitchen

Location: Patchogue, NYReference: #3214 Steve in Patchogue, NY was kind enough to supply pictures of the beautiful Steve’s Retro Kitchen. We provided the custom countertop and The Big Chill refrigerator. Thanks for the pics Steve…great kitchen! Specs:...
Wilson’s Custom Bar

Wilson’s Custom Bar

Location: Columbia, MDReference: #4690 This is a great home bar built for the Wilson’s. We were so awed by the metal laminate that we decided to take photos outside the manufactures building before the bar was packed to ship. If you have any questions about our...
Marshall’s Diner Booth

Marshall’s Diner Booth

Location: Columbia, MDReference: # Marshall’s Diner Booth looks great in this home. It is a perfect fit to her decor. Thanks so much for the photos and we hope that this diner booth set gives you years of enjoyment.
Carl’s Kitchen

Carl’s Kitchen

Location: Lincolnton, NCReference: #4968 “Thought you might want to see before and after shots of how your products worked out in our re-modeling scheme.” Specs: Corner Drug Store 60″ Single Bench upholstered in American Beauty (Red) and Chalk...